"Use the vehicle which is suitable for the road, and the occupation which is suitable for the generation"
The certificate of excellent prize of national cottage industrial exhibition of 2068 Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu. Click Here to see our more achievements. |
- Established :- 2064/07/26 (2008 AD)
- Central Office :- Sulubung -5, Talgaun, Ilam, Nepal.
- Register No. :- 49015/064/065
- Chairperson :- Parbati Khatiwada
- Manager :- Taramani Khatiwada
- Email :- taramanik28@gmail.com, epapd.ilam@gmail.com, sahara.paru@yahoo.com, abhin.2020@hotmail.com
- Company's Target :- Using the local raw materials and man power different things production which may be a way of good incoming source of Nepalese villagers.
- Productions :-
- Organic Farming Sector
- Kiwifruit (Please click here for more info.)
- Asparagus
- Orange(Wunshu)
- Tea
- Oyster Mushroom
- Organic Fertilizer Production
- Alternative Energy Sector
- Bee-Hive Briquettes
- Briquette Stoves
- Training
- Working in :- Different VDCs of Ilam district, like Sulubung, Sumbek, Mai Pokhari, Mai Majhua, Mabu, Jamuna, Pyang, Soyang, Naya Bazaar, Fikkal, Pasupatinagar, Jimale, Panchakanya, Barbote, Puwa Majhua, Sankhejung, Santidanda, Sangrumba, Jitpur, Chamaita, Phakphok, Aamchok, Lungde, Ibang, Samalbung, Mangalbare, Ilam Municipality, etc. In future, we will cover all the VDCs of Ilam district. (2068/05/15)
प्रकृतिले हामीलाई आफ्नो बक्षस्थलबाट अथाह स्तनको धारा बहाइ दिइएको छ । हिमाल, पहाड, तराई, उपत्यका आदिले सुशोभित हाम्रो प्यारो देश नेपालमा विविध किसिमका हावा-पानी, भू-बनोट, रहन-सहन, सस्कृती र भेष-भूषाले भरिपूर्ण छ । यहीँ अनगिन्ती सम्भावनाका अवसरहरुले हामीलाई पर्खी रहेका छन् । हामीले हाम्रो प्रतिभाको पहिचान गरी मेहनत, लगनशिलता र इमान्दारिता पूर्वक प्रयत्न गरी आधुनिक प्रविधि र पद्धतिलाई आत्मसात गर्दै अघि बढेमा सफलताको चुचुराहरुलाई चुम्न धेरै समय अवश्य कुर्नु पर्दैन । विकासका ढोकाहरु प्रशस्त खोलिएमा कुनै पनि नेपाली युवा युवतिहरुले गाँस, वास, कपास र शिक्षाको लागि विदेशिनु पर्ने अवस्थाको अन्त्य हुन्छ । आफ्नो गाउँ-घर र खेतवारीमा केही नगर्ने तर विदेशीको भूमिमा गएर दिनको १८ घण्टा सम्म आफ्नो रगत-पसीना बहाउन तयार हुने संस्कारलाई त्यागेर आफ्नै देश र गाँउ घरमा नविन कार्यको शुरुवात नगरे सम्म हामी कदापी कहिल्यै पनि बिकासको बाटोमा अघि बढ्न सक्दैनौ । सकारात्मक सोच राखेर प्रयत्न गरे यहि देशको माटोमा हिरा र मोती फलाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने भावनाबाट प्रेरित भई यस कम्पनीले केही नविन कार्यहरु जस्तै :- किवी फल खेती, च्याउ खेती, कुरिलो खेती, जापानीज सुन्तला खेती, अर्गानीक मल उत्पादन र प्रयोगका साथै ब्रिकेट कोइला निर्माण र फलामे चुलो उत्पादन गरी बिक्री- बितरण गरीरहेको छ । यस सम्वन्धि बिभिन्न तालीमहरु समेत संचालन गर्दै आएको छ । यसबाट हामीलाई महत्वपूर्ण सफलता प्राप्त भएको हुँदा तपाईँहरु पनि हामी हिडेको बाटोमा आउनुहोस भनी यो कम्पनी हार्दिकताका साथ आह्वान गर्दछ। तपाईँसँग कुनै विशेष प्रतिभा र योजना छ भने आउनुहोस् हामी मिलेर काम गरौँ । देश निर्माण गर्ने महान कार्यमा एक-एक ईँटा थप गरौँ ।
How can we develop our country Nepal ?
All the things given by the God are in our surrounding, but why we are poor, uneducated, unemployed ? Because of these, doubt, terrorism and struggle is seen all over in our country Nepal. Minding this type of situation we are thinking, how we can develop our villagers so they can success to get every things which is needed for them, like hospitals facilities, education, employment and security . If there is no enough food, cloth and home nobody can develop them self . In this way we are starting a new type of work . Kiwi fruit farming, mushroom farming, asparagus farming, wunsu farming, product of organic fertilizer and Bee-Hive Briquette and its stove . We think these type of activities can easily build up the economical status all the villagers and create the occasion of employment.
Kiwifruit, mushroom and asparagus are the high quality cash crops. These are sold and bought worldwide. They also increase our national income. It means our country can walk on the path of development.
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Kiwifruit of Sulubung, Ilam |
About kiwifruit :-
- Kiwifruit can be cultivated in the hilly region especially from 800 meter to 2900 meter high.
- The soil structure should be fertile while PH level should be 5 to 6.8.
- Irrigation should be provided to the plant in winter and summer.
- 50 kgs of organic fertilizer is necessary per year for 1 plant.
- A grafted plant starts to give fruit from 2 years to 20 years of plantation up to 100 kgs per year.
- Pruning of the plant is necessary in rainy and winter season.
- Orchard (like of grapes) is necessary for kiwifruit.
- 12-15 plants can be planted in a ropani of land.
- It can be planted with other cash crops like tea, cardamom, potato, wheat etc.
- There is no big problem by disease or pest in kiwifruit farming.
- It can be used as fresh fruit and other kinds of products like juice, jam, wine, ice-cream and cosmetic uses.
- Kiwifruit farming a good source of income for Nepali farmers.
- Kiwifruit can be easily sold anywhere within the country or can be exported to other countries.
Kiwifruit of Sulubung, Ilam |
Kiwifruit Orchard of Sulubung, Ilam (2068/5/14) |
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Kiwifruit farming on the tea garden (Sulubung, Ilam) |
Kiwifruit farm in Sulubung, Ilam |
Kiwi Garden |
Kiwi Branch |
Branch of Kiwifruit in Tea Garden |
Kiwifruit in Tea Garden |
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Kiwifruit |
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Kiwifruit Juice |
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Asparagus (Kurilo) farm of Birtamode, Jhapa |
Growing Asparagus |
Asparagus Ready to Cook. |
The tree of orange (Wunshu) |
Oyster Mushroom |
The Farm of Oyster Mushroom |
Briquetting can solve the problem of energy and it creates many employment opportunities. It also keeps the environment pollution free and and helps to protect the forest. It can also help to stop the global warming. Our country Nepal is suffering from lack of energy nowadays. There is no any source of petrol, diesel, LP Gas and kerosene found in Nepal. Our country is compelled to spend a lot of dollars annually to purchase these fuels. The financial resource which are needed to develop the country are spending to buy these types of fuels. In this critical situation, Briquetting plays the vital role to solve the problem of energy. Only waste raw materials like bamboo plant, tea plant, biomass, etc. are used to make briquettes which burns like LP Gas with blue flames. It doesn't produce any kind of pollution like smoke, dust and odor. So it is very good thing for our health. Thus, we must use briquettes in our offices, hospitals, hotels, home, poultry forms, mushroom form and for any kind of cooking or heating purposes. Please remember that BRIQUETTES ARE OUR NATIONAL PRODUCTS. So love it forever !!!
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Briquette burning in a briquette stove |
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Beehive Briquettes |
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Briquette Stove |